Tuesday 9 July 2013

Progress ....a little bit of progress :)

WOW.... it's been a while since I created a post . We've been trying to get a few things done .So..... what has been going on since I last posted? Let's see.......So much really but here are a few .

My Son finished grade 9 and went to his prom . The wind was a bit wild that day  but it was  beautiful  . 

 My Apple tree that we planted .....flowered
and now has apples starting. Yay!!

Now I'm busy looking up on how to prune and care for it  .I  found out that apple trees need attention  if you want to get good apples from it and I do want to get GOOD  apples from it ..

 Also hubby & I have taken out the old kitchen cupboards at the bungalow .


and we have started putting together the new cupboards we bought a few years ago .

not finished but for now that's good enough .

Enjoyed the rest of time time with the kids.

Enjoy your summer . I know I will . See you next post :)

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Life is what you make it

We spent the last couple of weekends out at the bungalow . The weather was cool and grey but to me  it was perfect :)
The best thing about the cool weather was that it  kept the black flies at controllable  levels . Hubby and I  bought a few new chairs at our local Wal-Mart  on thursday .... They seemed to fit great on the dock ! We did some fishing but never caught anything . I guess we will  have to try again , and again .

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Beautiful day or two out on the Mira

This past  weekend was a show stopper for a summer preview . Saturday was a lovely  day .The  temperatures hovered within  the 17-20  range . Hubby & I took a drive to the bungalow again .This time we brought our new tree and some soil out with us .I started cleaning  up the fallen leaves and branches around the fire pit .I was  going to put out the chairs &  chimenea ......but  the river was so calm ....I didn't get too much else accomplished .lol  .Took it all in instead ;)
ripples were from this guy .
I was hoping to get out there for the whole weekend and start getting a lot of  things done before the black flies start to take over the outside . It didn't exactly happen that way...... but we did get back out again Sunday.
            Sunday was awesome  !  I think it was 21 ,maybe even 22. We  brought the kids this time .....well two of them at least :)
we got busy digging...
everyone helped to plant the tree we brought out the day before .

Think he looks pretty good :) Really hope he thrives :) 

   Only had one  down side of the weekend . When hubby checked the pump for the well he discovered that the bladder in the pressure tank was done for . I guess we will have to find some money for a new tank . Glad we didn't know about the tank before we bought the tree , might not of bought him otherwise .

Sunday 28 April 2013

the sun was out !!!

Finally .....on April 28th , a beautiful spring day !

Quiltbog 310
After what seemed like weeks of rainy days ........ Today was a great refresher .Woke up to a clear sky and sunshine . Awesome!!!  It's just plus  7 , But  I'll take it!! Went for a drive again to the bungalow with hubby .  I know.....Seems like we head there every weekend (grin) and we do ( bigger grin ) . Love the bungalow!! would live there if I could  .....One of these days ;)   These guys were out enjoying the sun and new green grass as we drove by . !! ;)

It's this little guy cute ......awe!!

While we were there  we checked on the lilac bushes we planted last fall ,sat and had coffee & cookies while we gazed at the Mira ....Then we went for a stroll  .... It was just such a nice day !
    Supper when we returned home was burgers & wedges . mmm!  I feel so re-energized I'm off to sew for a bit  now
  see Ya ;)
 Oh and hubby & I weren't the only ones out for a lovely walk in the country.
This guy  took his good ole time crossing the road .   Quiltbog 308  he almost didn't make it ! They are a hoot to watch !

Friday 29 March 2013

Easter Weekend Reflections

I'm having a day week of memories . I'm going through a sort of  ...Reflections of times . I have been laughing at videos & pictures of  my kids  from past Easters


Saturday 23 March 2013

Trying this .....let's see how it goes eh?

This is a test . This is just a test .

     Well hello , I've been writing a blog over on http://bethmacdonald.typepad.com/blog/2013/03/my-entry.html for a while now. I can't say that I've really excelled at it...... because my simple little blog posts take me a fair bit of time and I'm not sure if that's how it's supposed to be . So.... I'm wondering if I would like it over here . If I would be able to post  more efficiently  . I'm  posting a trial post now and I'll do another post soon ......maybe ?